There’s nothing more important that we can do for our present health and future happiness and well being than self-heal the viruses and stealth programs on our internal hard drive. […]
Two Cases of Chronic Back Pain: Grief and Heartache Held in the Back
When I first started my practice, it seemed like a first year internship. Most people had what appeared on the surface to be simple issues: back pain, phobias, anger, grief, […]
Energy Medicine: A Multi-Dimensional Healing Paradigm
There are several missing links in the current paradigm of emotional healing today. Conventional psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy is time-consuming, frequently taking months or even years, and is, clients […]
A One-Session Wonder: EFT heals combat trauma in Sgt. Joshua.
Transcript of a successful EFT session with an Iraq Veteran after 3 tours in Iraq Tapping Points Key: EB: eyebrow OE: outside of eye UE: under eye UN: under nose